When we start tackling a new space for a client, the first step is always finding the perfect floor plan. Before we look at furniture, before we look for fabrics, or rugs or lighting or artwork, we always start with the optimal floor plan. Each client has slightly different needs for their space, and we love doing that "deep-dive" to find the optimal layout.
This client has a family room that looks out onto a beautiful, wooded lot. This is their primary living space, and the room has light and ample square footage. The first option we presented has a generous sectional and a pair of comfortable swivel lounge chairs.
In each of the options we presented incorporates the client's beautiful, antique armoire that they collected during their time living in Europe. We also layered in a cozy spot for their beloved dog, where he could easily keep an eye out on the backyard. We also kept the television in the same spot, as the current location has the least amount of glare.
The next option places a pair of sofas facing each other, a big coffee table for games puzzles and snacks and a roomy lounge chair for kicking back and watching television.
This layout inverts the sectional location, and allows for ultimate interaction with anyone working in the adjacent kitchen. There is also an ottoman tucked under the large coffee table that can be pulled out for more seating, or as an easy spot to put your feet up for a movie marathon.
This layout puts a pair of sofas at a right angle to each other and this grouping has seating for eleven people without bringing anything else into the space.
Another alternative pairs sofa and loveseat with a comfortable lounge chair. This keeps the traffic pattern open to the sliding door access to the wooded backyard. A pair of end tables and lamps "bookends" the sofa and adds a symmetrical element to an asymmetrical room.
This option inverts the sofa/loveseat/lounge chair layout and still offers seating for nine.
Many of the layouts utilize the same pieces, and offer options for rearranging the pieces for new, seasonal layouts, if desired. Clients always give great feedback on their layout options that help us fine-tune things for their perfect arrangement. Some families are all "sprawlers" and love to have room to lie down to watch television or read. Some families prefer to have more individual chairs.
Finding the perfect positioning for the space is always the first step in our design process, and is a perfect springboard for the rest of the design conversation.